In addition to her artistic work Lidia also has a broad experience from teaching and to give classes and different kinds of workshops. She has the same approach to teaching as she has to her artistic work and she uses all the experience she has got from different teachers and choreographers that she met during her career. Her classes and workshops are based on an organic way of moving and can be adjusted to fit different kind of bodies. She is giving classes in classical ballet for professional dances as well as more playful workshops for amateurs and everything in between. Besides working with dancers in a professional company she has a special interest in working with actors and since 2015 she is regulary teaching at the Theatre Academy in Malmö.
For professional dancers
Her basic classes for professional dancers is based on classical ballet technique with a contemporary twist. But she can also offer classes and workshops in contemporary technique where she uses a method she calls ”Action based chroeography”.
For professional actors
For actors she can offer different kinds of workshops where she focus on body awareness, choreographical methods, technique training adjusted to actors, stage presence, how to relate to the room and different objects, how to combine text and movements etc. No matter what the exct content of the workshop will be, Lidia can promise an inspiring time full of joy, lust and love to the art of dance and the expression through movements.
For others
Lidia can also offer workshops for other groups that need to use their body to express themselves. The core of what Lidia offers is body awareness, choreographical methods, stage presence, how to understand your body and inspiration to a creative process.
Lidia has been teaching or giving workshops for Skånes Dansteater, RTV Dance, Norrdans, De Stilte, Compenhagen Contemporary Dance School, Balettakademin Gothenburg, Danish National School of Performing Arts, Ballet Prague Junior, Malmö Theatre Academy, Teateralliansen, Company E, Danscentrum Syd among others.
More information
For booking or more information please send an e-mail to lidia@lidiawos.com